Audio Wellness

The audio files below were created to provide you with some basic techniques for relaxation and were designed to be tools that can help you manage stress and to promote mind-body connection.

We encourage you to practice what is useful to you and to feel free to edit and alter these practices in your own mind. If there are one or more that are particularly helpful for you, there are many other variations you will be able to find on the internet if you would like more. These resources are not intended to be a substitute for therapy or professional help. Some of these exercises may not be suitable for people addressing trauma issues; please talk to your therapist about how and whether these tools may be beneficial to you.

Scripts were adapted and performed by Dr. Christy Hofsess and Dr. Karin Lawson; music and soundtrack editing by Matthew Lawson.

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If you are interested in becoming a new client please fill out the form below to connect with us so we can work on providing you a customized appointment recommendation or an appointment with the therapist you requested. Either our Operations Manager, Rachel Messer, or the therapist requested will reach out to you within 2-3 business days from your form submission. You can also contact Rachel directly at 206-659-5945 for assistance

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